we live in an intricate web
I went to my high school friend's birthday party on Sunday, and I was surprised to learn that he was friends with two people I had met in college. Today my officemate asked me to add him in Friendster where, it turned out, one of his officemates in previous company was also a friend of mine since high school. Then I went surfing over his friends in Friendster and guess what, I found another officemate who had another high school friend of mine in his list, and I supposed they met in college. What's interesting, I am here in Singapore (and, of course, my officemates and those at the birthday party too), while my two high school friends are now in Japan and America respectively, but most of the inter-connections described above happened back home in the Philippines.
I always enjoy discovering this kind of connections among people. It is amazing to see how tiny threads of life are sewn together by circumstances, notwithstanding how far in the world people have gone to or how far back in time the connection had been made.
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